Sri Venkateswara Junior School celebrated its Annual Day, “Navarasa @ 2K24,” on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. The event served as a vibrant platform for students to showcase their talents and creativity, reflecting the school’s dedication to holistic education.

The KG compartment captivated the audience with their imaginative presentation on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). Their creative displays, including sensory boards, emphasized the importance of self-expression and self-awareness by exploring textures, colors, and sounds.

The pre-primary compartment impressed everyone with their innovative approach to financial literacy, demonstrating exceptional critical and creative thinking skills through their engaging presentations.

The primary compartment addressed global and environmental issues with thought-provoking performances. They tackled climatic changes through a folk tale and conducted a Model United Nations (MUN) conference focusing on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Additionally, they explored animal habitats and the challenges faced by wildlife in their struggle for survival.

The event concluded on a heartfelt note with a nostalgic reflection on the school’s history. A timeline display highlighted Sri Venkateswara Junior School’s milestones and achievements, leaving the audience inspired.