A well-conceived event, the KG Graduation ceremony was spread over a period of 3 days for safety concerns of children, staff and parents of SVNP. Senior Kindergarteners were conferred their graduation with a plaque and scroll. The Guest on 22nd February was SVM Principal Mr. Venkatachalapathy, who had a wonderful message for the parents in identifying their child’s innate potential. Mrs. Ieline S Theophilus, Principal of SVV, was the Guest on Day 2, 23rd February 2021. Her blessings on the little ones and her words of hope and wisdom were cherished by the children and the audience. Principal of SVPS, Mrs. Renuga presided over the 3rd Day events and wished the children and the KG Compartment the very best of their endeavours. Founder Principal Dr. Smt. Umakannan graced the occasion on all 3 days and felicitated the Guests of the Day.