Gurutva Learning Impressions 6.0

The 3 days orientation programme on ‘Design Thinking & innovation in Curriculum Practice’ commenced on 29th May 2023 with an address by the Correspondent Mr. Alagarswamy Kannan and Founder Principal Dr. Smt. Uma Kannan who welcomed the newly appointed staff and encouraged all the teachers to remain committed to pursue their goals. She also stressed on keeping updated with the latest developments in the teaching- learning process to make learning more effective and student friendly. Various informative sessions on ‘National Education Policy 2023’, ‘Use of Information Technology’ and ‘Teaching Strategies’ were conducted with an aim to improvise teaching techniques and expand learning opportunities, ensuring educational quality and relevance. All the sessions were learner centered with questionnaires, discussion and sharing of experiences. The program culminated expressing gratitude to the resource persons and the very ambiance reaffirmed the commitment of the teachers for providing quality education.