Re-Inventing Self with Music

It was divine healing, one that rejuvenated the audience for the academic year, 2021-22. SVGS Divine Raga 2021, held on 2nd June 2021, was a musical healer, that planted fresh hopes & dreams in the minds of the SVGS faculty, students and parent community. With soul-stirring renditions by children of SVM, SVV, SVPS and SVNP, the audience were drenched in a musical repertoire. The event was presided by Correspondent Shri. Alagarsamy Kannan & Founder Principal Dr. Smt. Umakannan of SVGS with a traditional Arathi ringing in divine blessings for the event. Student renditions were trained by Mr. Samson & Mrs. Sathyabama, the music teachers of SVGS.