SVGS Divine Raga Season 1

Beginning the academic year 2021-22 with notes of blessings from the Almighty and to thank His guidance in the safe and successful completion of year 2020-21, a devotional musical offering was planned with an elite team of SVGS vocal chords under the auspices of their Guru Smt. Sathyabama. Displaying the musical skills of our children, the event was flagged off with a traditional lighting of the lamp by our Founders, Correspondent Shri. Alagarsamy Kannan and Founder Principal Dr. Smt. Umakannan. With the Principal of Sri Venkateswara Vidhyalaya, Mrs. Ieline Theophilus, welcoming the gathering, the Founder Principal delivered her Keynote address which detailed the 11 most important benefits of music and singing. Raga Pravaha saw the flow of brilliant music by Ms. Sherin Sara of Sri Venkateswara MHSS, Ms. Sanjana and Ms. Shirley of Sri Venkateswara Vidhyalaya, Little Ms. Kaviyazhini of Sri Venkateswara N&P and Master Yuvanesh of Sri Venkateswara Public School, Puzhal. They immersed every soul in the musical drift and virtually connected them to divinity. Mrs. Geetha, the Headmistress of SVNP proposed the Vote of Thanks. It was an evening of mystic and magic music that filled everyone with renewed hope and vigour