SVNP Investiture Ceremony

Investiture Ceremony is the celebration of bestowing titles and badges to the leaders who have the potential and calibre to execute duties in letter and spirit. Twenty two senate members along with titles ‘Toast Master Guide’ and ‘Path Maker Disciplinarian’ marched with dignity to receive the badges from the Chief guest Dr. Smt. Uma Kannan, Founder Principal of Sri Venkateswara Group of Schools and from Guest of Honour Mr.R.Venkatachalapathy, Principal SVM on 18.7.24 ,Thursday in school premises.
The Investiture ceremony on the theme ‘ Commitment to Excellence’ was witnessed by our esteemed parents. Scholastic topics such as John Dewey theory, Angle theorem, Newtons law, Raman effect as manifesto was the innovation witnessed in the election campaigns. Theme dance on redefining the traits of teachers ‘Leading to rhythm’ enlightened all of us.