Cyber Smart Awareness Program

SVM ATL Community Day was celebrated on 26.06.2021 with a need-of-the-hour webinar by WNS Cares Foundation under the auspice of Atal Innovation Mission & NITI Aayog. The webinar “Cyber Smart Awareness Training Program” was attended by ATL incharges and teachers across TamilNadu and SVGS educators. Mr. Justin Joseph of WNS Cares Foundation was the Resource Person who guided the educators on the Cyber Smart portal of the Central Govt. of India inorder to be aware of Cyber-attacks, Cyber criminals, Government’s initiative in providing Child Helpline, Cyber Smart certification for educators, etc. The program involved educators in making their institution certified as ‘Cyber Smart’. The Founder Principal of SVGS Dr. Smt. Umakannan attended the webinar and was appreciated by the host, WNS Cares Foundation for her initiatives in taking the message to several educators. VP of SVM Mrs. Sreedevi proposed the Vote of Thanks and pledged for her teachers to get the Cyber Smart certification.