Doctors Day Celebration

Freshers day and doctors day was celebrated on 30.6.2022. Dr. Kavya kannamma the managing trustee was the chief guest ,The celebration started with the song written by a student for the freshers ,the song goes like this “fresh ,fresh freshers, when I see you energy rushes. Through my veins it gushes, creativity and knowledge showers. Opportunity we made it ours. Jump into the new academic year all may seem strange and queer don’t worry dear we are here to pull out from you various hues. we will help you to pave your way ,touch the sky and make the world sway. ok come on let’s say svgs is the best bay. We transform classrooms to think rooms where you can shine and bloom. let’s all tinker in ATL ponder in casa de libro.”. Middle wing presented w2c(why white coat). Followed by speech by high school students .skit was performed by higher secondary students portraying Dr. Kavya kannamma as the Genz marie curie , then Kavya mam enunciated the 10 c’s which are to be followed 1. Cutting. 2. Conviction.3 Confidence 4. Concentration 5. Creating opportunities 6.Choices 7. Change 8. Circle yourself with influencers.9. Cup.10.Cognizant.