International Yoga Day & Music Day

The International Yoga & Music Day celebrations were held online on 21st June 2021 to celebrate the twins, yoga and music. With prayer song by Music teacher Mr. Samson, and Principal of SVV Mrs. Ieline S Theophilus welcoming everyone, the online event began with a solemn note. A musical assortment was performed by the music teacher Mrs. Sathyabama. The Special Invitee for the event, Mr. Rangarajan, the famed Anchor at Doordarshan, stressed the importance of Yoga and Music and acknowledged the SVGS Management’s efforts in taking these co-scholastic activities to children. In her address, Founder Principal , Dr. Smt. Umakannan, herself an ardent yoga practitioner, listed the benefits of Yoga and encouraged everyone to practice it everyday for physical and mental wellness. A special video was played with Yoga asanas demonstrated by Yoga Guru Mr. Bhoopathi. Mrs. Menaka, SVM PET Trainer proposed the Vote of Thanks. Competitions were held online for students in Yoga on 21.06.2021. Sai Keerthana of Gr VII – A bagged the I place, Devadarshini of Gr VII-A got the II place and Devika Nair of Gr VIII – A bagged the III place. Music contest was held on 22.06.2021. Results : Niranchana of Gr VIII A bagged the I place, Hemal Sindhu of Gr VIII – A – the II place and Madhumitha of Gr VII – A – the III place. The PET department executed the event with a neat spread of events and competitions.