SVC – Triple Bonanza

Sri Venkateswara Chakra hosted the ‘Triple Bonanza’ on 19th August. It was a blend of three mega events – The Valedictory of the Independence Day Competitions , The inauguration of Fine Arts and The opening of the library ‘ La Biblioteca’. The premises was occupied to its capacity by the staff of all the sister concerns.The most famous stand up comedian Mr. Madurai Muthu was the chief guest and it doesn’t need a mention that the audience gathered eagerly to listen to his humourous talk. The event started with a welcome dance and a Bhajan of the little Montessorians of Sri Venkateswara Chakra.
The winners of the Independence Day competitions were awarded with certificates and medals by the Founder Principal of Sri Venkateswara Group of Schools, the Head Mistress of Sri Venkateswara Chakra and the Principals of the sister concerns. The library was opened by the chief guest. His speech with his trademark jokes lightened all the hearts and allowed all the minds to live at the present moment for half an hour. The first 3 in 1 event turned out to be the most beautifully organised event of the year.